- "Science and National Security" by R.L. Garwin, closing luncheon address to the Fourth Annual AAAS Colloquium on Science, Arms Control, and National Security, Nov. 17, 1989, Washington, DC. Published in the AAAS book Science and Security: Technology Advances & the Arms Control Agenda,edited by E.H. Arnett, E.J. Kirk and W.T. Wander, pp. 301-320, 1990.
- "Consensus on Cold Fusion Still Elusive" by R.L.Garwin, Nature, Vol. 338, pp. 616-617, April 20, 1989.
- "Space Technology: Myth and Promise" by R.L.^Garwin, published in the book Ways Out of the Arms Race, edited by J. Hassard, T. Kibble and P. Lewis.
Proceedings of the Second International Scientists' Congress held at Imperial College of Science, Technology & Medicine, University of London, 2-4 December 1988.
- "A Blueprint For Radical Weapons Cuts" by R.L. Garwin inBulletin of the Atomic Scientists, (pp. 10-13) March, 1988.
- "Is the Strategic Defense Initiative in the National Interest?" A Policy Debate with Dr. Carl Sagan and Dr. Richard L. Garwin vs. Lt. General James A. Abrahamson and the Honorable Richard N. Perle, moderated by the Honorable Edward J. Markey, Cannon House Office Building, published by Spacewatch Fortnightly, November 17, 1987 (unedited transcript of debate)
- "Practical Prescriptions for Deep Cuts by Richard L. Garwin, Presented at 37th Pugwash Conference of Science and World Affairs, Gmunden am Traunsee, Austria, September 1, 1987.
- "Space Defense-- The Impossible Dream?", a speech to the Commonwealth Club of San Francisco, July 18, 1986.
- "Strategic Defense Initiative" (DRAFT 3) by R.L. Garwin. Presented June 16, 1986 at Orsay, Laboratory of Nuclear Physics, FRANCE.
- "Free Our Presidents From Re-election Campaigns," by R.L. Garwin, in The New York Times, January 8, 1986.
- "Star Wars and Geneva," by R.L. Garwin, a talk given at the Foreign Press Association, September 9, 1985.
- Agreed statements between Ed Gerry and Richard L. Garwin, together with individual statements by Gerry and Garwin, as presented at the "Scientific Adversary Procedure" at Dartmouth College May 23, 1985, Arthur Kantrowitz, moderator.
- "The Impact of New Technologies," published version of speech given at the National Security Issues Symposium, Bedford, MA, October 25, 1984.
- "Military and Political Aspects of Nuclear War," a paper in the symposium "Critical Issues Facing the Nation" at the 37th Public Relations Society of America National Conference "Beyond 1984: Surviving or Thriving?" held in Denver, Colorado, October 17, 1984.
- "Space-based Ballistic-Missile Defense," by Hans A. Bethe, Richard L. Garwin, Kurt Gottfried and Henry W. Kendall published in Scientific American, October 1984, Vol. 251, No. 4, pp. 39-49.
- "Space Weapons," joint articles -- 'History and current debate,' by R.L. Garwin and J.E. Pike, 'Effect on strategic stability,' by Y.P. Velikhov, and "A treaty limiting anti-satellite weapons," draft treaty (pp. 10S-11S), Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Vol. 40, No. 5, pp. 2S-15S, May 1984.
- "Will Strategic Submarines Be Vulnerable?" by R.L. Garwin, International Security, vol. 8, no. 2, pp 52-67, Fall 1983.
- "A Treaty Limiting Antisatellite Weapons," by R.L. Garwin. Oral testimony for a subcommittee of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, May 18, 1983.
- "Issues in Arms Control," 40th Anniversary Colloquium at Los Alamos National Laboratory, panel discussion by H.A. Bethe, R.L. Garwin, D.M. Kerr, and E. Teller, April 13, 1983, from LA-UR-05-6089. Discussion moderated by David S. Saxon.
- "Alternative Approaches to Armament and Disarmament," presented at Paris, France, with introduction by Georges Charpak and General Georges Buis, December 13, 1983.
- Draft Treaty presented by the Union of Concerned Scientists to a Subcommittee of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, "A Treaty Limiting Anti-Satellite Weapons," May 18, 1983.
- "Issues in Arms Control," 40th Anniversary Colloquium at Los Alamos National Laboratory, April 13, 1983. This panel discussion followed prepared presentations by Hans A. Bethe, Richard L. Garwin, Edward Teller, and Donald M. Kerr
- "Scientists, Secrecy and National Security," presented at the symposium marking the 65th birthday of Walter Munk, La Jolla, California, October 19, 1982.
- "Computers and Privacy," by R.L. Garwin, speech presented at the Embassy of the United States, London, ENGLAND, January 18, 1983.
- "The Militarization of Space," testimony given
Senate Foreign Relations Committee Hearing, before the
Subcommittee on Arms Control, Oceans, International
Operations and Environment. 09/20/82 pp 56-60.
- "Fish Ragu (Fish, Radio-Receiving and Generally Useful)," by R.L. Garwin, JASON Technical Note JSN-81-64, August 1981.
- "Basing the MX Missile: A Better Idea," by R.L.Garwin and S.D. Drell, Technology Review , Edited at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, May/June 1981.
- "An Efficient Imperfect Coin," by R.L. Garwin, February 2, 1981.
- "Weapons in Space: Are We On the Verge Of a New Arms Race?" by R.L. Garwin. A talk to the AAAS Symposium on Trends in Strategic Weapons and Doctrines and their Implications for Arms Control, Toronto, Canada, January 4, 1981.
- "The Proper Role of the Breeder Reactor," by R.L. Garwin, a talk at Director's Special Colloquium, Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, IL, 11/18/80.
- Ad Hoc Panel Report on the September 22 Event?, by J.P. Ruina et al, concluding that the VELA signal did not indicate a nuclear explosion, July 17, 1980.
Maintained by Steven Aftergood
Updated June 22, 2022