- Why The Test Ban Is Safe For Us By Richard L. Garwin Washington Post December 27, 1999 Pg. 25
- Transcript of R.L. Garwin interview on Charlie Rose program of December 15, 1999.
- "Another view on CTBT: Sandia consultant Richard Garwin makes the case for the treaty rejected by the U.S. Senate," 11/23/99 speech by R.L. Garwin at Sandia National Laboratories, published in Sandia Lab News of 12/03/99 (article by Bill Murphy).
- COOPERATIVE BALLISTIC MISSILE DEFENSE Richard L. Garwin November 17, 1999.
- "Nuclear Weapons in the 21st Century: Prospects and Policy," by R.L. Garwin, presented at the Henry Kendall Memorial Symposium, Cambridge, MA, October 23, 1999.
- "Toward International Security: The Role of Space Weapons, Antisatellite Weapon Tests, and National Missile Defense," by R.L. Garwin, presented at United Nations, New York, NY, October 21, 1999. (Final of 10/25/99)
- "Testimony in Support of the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty," by R.L. Garwin, Testimony to Senate Foreign Relations Committee, October 7, 1999.
- "Balm for the Chinese Threat," by R.L. Garwin and K. Gottfried Los Angeles Times, October 7, 1999.
- REMANUFACTURE JASON Program Office JSR-99-300 - October 1999 - review of the current progress and plans associated with the remanufacturing of nuclear-weapon components within the DOE's Stockpile Stewardship Program (SSP).
- "Cold Fusion Prediction," by R.L. Garwin, Science, vol. 285, no. 5432, p. 1355, August 27, 1999.
- "Missile Defense Policy and Arms Control Issues," by R.L. Garwin, presented at Second Annual U.S. Army Space & Missile Defense Conference, Huntsville, AL, August 26, 1999.
- Nuclear Secrets: Rush to Judgment Against China By Richard L. Garwin and Wolfgang K.H. Panofsky International Herald Tribune Tuesday, August 3, 1999 - Each of us has a right to make up his or her own mind, but not to make up his or her own facts. Yet that seems to be happening on the nuclear threat from China.
- "The idea of a nuclear deterrent is questionable," Interview with R.L. Garwin by Frontline, India's National Magazine, Vol. 16, No. 14, July 03-16, 1999.
- Regarding Missile Defense - Transcript of 06/03/99 Diane Rehm Show, WAMU-Washington, DC, featuring Richard L. Garwin, Joeseph Cirincione, Bill Graham, and James Anderson.
- ""National Missile Defense," by R.L. Garwin, Testimony to Senate Foreign Relations Committee, May 4, 1999.
- "Why China Won't Build U.S. Warheads", Arms Control Today, April/May 1999.
- Technical Aspects of Ballistic Missile Defense," (Final) by R.L. Garwin, presented at American Physical Society centennial 03/24/99, and published in "APS Forum on Physics and Society-- July 1999", Vol. 28, No. 3,
- Effectiveness of Proposed National Missile Defense Against ICBMs from North Korea (For distribution to Congress and the Press) March 17, 1999.
- More on Deaths due to Chernobyl by R.L. Garwin, APS Forum on Physics and Society Volume 28, Number 1 January 1999.
- Letter to the Editor of The New York Times by R.L. Garwin regarding tritium (as published) in response to 12/23/98 article "Civilian Reactors Could Be Used to Make Warhead Material."
- "Nature and Magnitude of the Computer Security Problem, and Tools for its Solution," by R.L. Garwin, presented at Amaldi Conference, Moscow, RUSSIA, November 18-20, 1998.
- The Rumsfeld Report - What we did," by R.L. Garwin in The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, November/December 98, Vol. 54, No. 6, p. 40-45,
- Nuclear Weapons and International Security" (Draft 3 of 09/15/98) by R.L. Garwin, prepared for 6th ISODARCO Beijing Seminar on Arms Control, Fudan University, Shanghai, CHINA, October 28-November 1, 1998.
- Letter R.L. Garwin to Senator Carl Levin re National Missile Defense. 09/02/98
- Reactor-Grade Plutonium Can be Used to Make Powerful and Reliable Nuclear Weapons: Separated plutonium in the fuel cycle must be protected as if it were nuclear weapons. August 26, 1998
- Sidney Drell and National Security by Richard L. Garwin, 07/31/1998. Presented as "From PSAC to Stockpile Stewardship," at the Sid Drell Retirement Symposium, SLAC auditorium
- Keeping Enemy Missiles at Bay By RICHARD L. GARWIN The New York Times [oped] July 28, 1998
- 21 July 1998 Response to a Ballistic Missile Threat (09/03/91 letter from H.A. Bethe and R.L. Garwin to Les Aspin and Sam Nunn, together with a Technical Appendix of 09/02/91 by R.L. Garwin.)
- Report of the Commission to Assess the Ballistic Missile Threat to the United States 15 July 1998
- Letter to the Editor of The New York Times re Radkowsky Thorium Reactor-- not published. June 2, 1998
- Re "Another Land Mine Retreat" Letter to the Editor of The New York Times, published May 15, 1998
- Range vs. difficulty for ballistic missile development. March 27, 1998
- The Future of Nuclear Weapons Without Nuclear Testing Richard L. Garwin Arms Control Today November/December 1997 Volume 27, Number 8
- PROGRESS IN HUMANITARIAN DEMINING: TECHNICAL AND POLICY CHALLENGES Richard L. Garwin and Jo L. Husbands Prepared for the Xth Amaldi Conference, Paris, 20-22 November 1997
- De-alerting of Nuclear Retaliatory Forces by Richard L. Garwin, Xth Amaldi Conference Paris, FRANCE November 20-22, 1997
- DISPOSITION OF EXCESS WEAPON PLUTONIUM AND URANIUM by Richard L. Garwin, "4th Pugwash Workshop on The Future of the Nuclear Weapons Complexes of the U.S. and Russia", Moscow and Snezhinsk, 9-13 September 1997
- Remarks by Richard L. Garwin on receiving the ENRICO FERMI AWARD July 24, 1997
- Final Report of the U.S.-Russian Independent Scientific Commission on Disposition of Excess Weapons Plutonium" by J.P. Holdren (Co-Chair), J. Ahearne, R.L. Garwin, W.K.H. Panofsky, J.J. Taylor, and E.P. Velikhov (Co-Chair), A.A. Makarov, F.M. Mitenkov, N.N. Ponomarev-Stepnoi, F.G. Reshetnikov, 1 June 1997,
- Letter to Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists Published March/April 1997 as "Two tracks are better than one"
- The Relationship of Science and Power, by R.L. Garwin, Chapter 18 in Carl Sagan's Universe, pp. 221-227,1997.
- SUBCRITICAL EXPERIMENTS S. Drell (Chair) JSR-97-300 March 1997 JASON Program Office
- Re: "IN ERA OF SATELLITES, ARMY PLOTS WAYS TO DESTROY THEM" Letter to the Editor New York Times March 4, 1997
- National Missile Defense Questions February 8-9, 1997 26th Pugwash Workshop on Nuclear Forces "Nuclear Forces and the ABM Treaty" Geneva SWITZERLAND
- NUCLEAR ARMS BUILDERS MOVE FROM CREATORS TO CUSTODIANS Letter to the Editor, The New York Times - January 7, 1997
- "APPENDIX H: Theater Missile Defense, National ABM Systems and the Future of Deterrence," by R.L. Garwin, from the book Post-Cold War Conflict Deterrence, Naval Studies Board, National Research Council, 1997.
- "Tritium from Russia," by R.L. Garwin, Science, vol. 274, no. 5290, pp.1065-1069, November 15, 1996.
- 09/16/96 "Interim Report of the U.S.-Russian Independent Scientific Commission on Disposition of Excess Weapons Plutonium" by J.P. Holdren (Co-Chair), J. Ahearne, R.L. Garwin, W.K.H. Panofsky, J.J. Taylor, and E.P. Velikhov (Co-Chair), A.A. Makarov, F.M. Mitenkov, N.N. Ponomarev-Stepnoi, F.G. Reshetnikov, 16 September 1996. (091696USRU) [also available in ASCII text format]
- The Post-Cold War World and Nuclear Weapons Proliferation April 19, 1996 The 29th JAIF Annual Conference Session 5 "Nuclear Nonproliferation and Plutonium" Nagoya, JAPAN
- "Management and Disposition of Excess Weapons Plutonium," Report of the National Academy of Sciences, Committee on International Security and Arms Control, W.K.H. Panofsky, Chair, National Academy Press, Washington, DC, January 1994 (archived copy).
- "Management and Disposition of Excess Weapons Plutonium: Reactor-Related Options," Report of the National Academy of Sciences, Committee on International Security and Arms Control, Panel on Reactor-Related Options for Disposition of Excess Weapons Plutonium, National Academy Press, 1995.
- "Reactor-Grade and Weapons-Grade Plutonium in Nuclear Explosives" pages 32-33 of "Management and Disposition of Excess Weapons Plutonium," Report of the National Academy of Sciences, Committee on International Security and Arms Control, W.K.H. Panofsky, Chair, January 1994.
- 08/30/95 "The Maintenance of Nuclear Weapon Stockpiles Without Nuclear Explosion Testing" (Final of 09/26/95), by R.L. Garwin, 24th Pugwash Workshop on Nuclear Forces "Nuclear Forces in Europe", London, ENGLAND, September 22-24, 1995. (083095PUGW)
- "CORONA: America's First Reconnaissance Satellite System. A view from the 'Land Panel'" (Draft 4 of 06/07/95), by R.L. Garwin, Notes for presentation in Panel I "The First Satellite Reconnaissance System. Developing CORONA-- its technical problems, improvements and victories," at George Washington University, Washington, DC, May 23, 1995.
- "The Past, Present, and Future of Nuclear Weapons: After the 50th Anniversary, What?" by R.L. Garwin, presented May 17-18, 1995 at Frankfurt University and University of Marburg, GERMANY.
- FAS-NRDC Discussions in Paris Regarding the Need For Nuclear Test Explosions to Maintain French Nuclear Weapons Under a Comprehensive Test Ban by R.L. Garwin, C.E. Paine, R.E. Kidder, Paris, France, November 2-7, 1994 (Appendices).
- Manuscript from which the following publication was derived:Chapter 5: "New Applications of Nonlethal and Less Lethal Technology," by R.L. Garwin, published in American Assembly Book "U.S. Intervention Policy for the Post-Cold War World: New Challenges and New Responses", edited by A. Kanter and L.F. Brooks, pp. 105-131, 1994.
- I. NUCLEAR WARHEAD DISMANTLEMENT, STORAGE AND DISPOSAL by Richard L. Garwin, Rapporteur August 19-23, 1993 A subtopic of The NATO workshop on Global Stability Through Disarmament within the framework of the "18th Session of the Planetary Emergencies Seminars" of the Ettore Majorana Centre for Scientific Culture Erice, Sicily
- Nuclear Testing - Summary and Conclusions," JASON Report JSR-95-320, August 3, 1995, by S.D. Drell, Chairman, J. Cornwall, F. Dyson, D. Eardley, R.L. Garwin, D. Hammer, J. Kammerdiener, R. LeLevier, R. Peurifoy, J. Richter, M. Rosenbluth, S.^Sack, J. Sullivan, and F. Zachariasen.
- "Technical Interpretation" and "Explosive Properties of Various Types of Plutonium," by R.L. Garwin, published in "Managing the Plutonium Surplus: Applications and Technical Options" edited by R.L. Garwin, M. Grubb, and E. Matanle, pp. 1-22, NATO ASI Series, 1. Disarmament Technologies - Vol. 1, 1994.
- "Scientist, Citizen, and Government-- Ethics in Action (or Ethics Inaction)", RICHARD L. HORWITZ LECTURE, May 4, 1993
- EDWIN H. LAND: SCIENCE, AND PUBLIC POLICY by Richard L. Garwin (Published in The Irish Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons, 1993
- "Edwin H. Land: Science, and Public Policy," by R.L. Garwin as presented 11/09/91 at Light and Life, A Symposium in Honor of Edwin Land, American Academy of Arts and Sciences, Cambridge, MA. Published in Journal of the Irish Colleges of Physicians and Surgeons, Vol. 22, No. 1, January 1993.
- "The R.V. Jones Intelligence Award Ceremony" (transcript of 8-minute video), March 13, 1996.
- "Guest Comment: Science, technology, and national security in an era of democracy and human rights," by R.L. Garwin, Vol. 60, No. 5, pp. 395-396, May 1992, American Journal of Physics and "Guest Comment: Military applications of technology - A new turn," by E. Teller, Vol. 59, No. 10, p. 873, Oct. 1991, American Journal of Physics.
- POST-START: WHAT DO WE WANT? WHAT CAN WE ACHIEVE? TESTIMONY to the Committee on Foreign Affairs United States Senate February 27, 1992
- Space-Based Defenses against Ballistic Missiles in the Proceedings from a AAAS Annual Meeting Symposium, "The Future of Smart Weapons."
- MEMORIAL TRIBUTE FOR LUIS W. ALVAREZ Richard L. Garwin May 1, 1991 (Published in Memorial Tributes, National Academy of Engineering, Volume 5, National Academy Press, Washington, DC, 1992)
- "Quenching the wild wells of Kuwait," by R.L. Garwin and H.W. Kendall in NatureVol. 354, No. 6348 (pp. 11-14), Nov. 7, 1991 (with brief comment by Peter Aldhous, p. 5).
- "Defense is Easier From the Ground," Op-Ed by R.L. Garwin published in SPACE NEWS, March 11-17, 1991
- "Verification of Limits on Conventional Forces in Europe (CFE)," by R.L. Garwin, presented March 15, 1990 at a meeting of CISAC with a group from the Royal Society, London
- "What's Next In Nuclear Arms Control?" (Final of 02/24/98) presented at 27th Pugwash Workshop on Nuclear Forces, February 21-22, 1998, Geneva, Switzerland.